Monday, May 10, 2010

Nail White Spots? DISGUSTING NAILS!?

I have these white spots on my nails, my mum said theyre calcium defects or something but i drink heaps of milk. They've been there for like 3 years.

Please give me answers on how to get rid of them!Nail White Spots? DISGUSTING NAILS!?
1. It could be zinc deficiency. Not a calcium deficiency. Take a multivitamin or just plain eat healthier. If it were a calcium deficency you would have been cured by now..

2. Trauma to the nails. If you hit your hand, you can cause trauma to the nail bed. By the time the nail grows out and you see the little white specks of evidence, you have forgotten when and where you hit your hand to cause it.

3. It could also be the sign of something like arsenic poisoning or typhoid fever, frostbite, trichinosis, gout, diphtheria, cholera, acute rheumatism, myocardial infarction, colitis, and sometimes leprosy.... Don't worry. I doubt mom and dad are trying to kill you nor do you have some parasite causing minuscule dots on your fingernails.

Thank goodness you have a good enough body image to only be worrying about your nails. Or, you could be so obsessed that a little scratch on your nails is enough to send you to therapy. Everyone gets those little marks from time to time and it really is nothing to worry about Quit analyzing your entire body for something to hate. Try appreciating it for what it is and what it can do for you.Nail White Spots? DISGUSTING NAILS!?
it is calcium defects eat more dairy food
increase calcium content in ur diet......since this prob is persisting frm three years.......i suggest consult a doctor for proper treatment........get well soon!!!!

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