Sunday, January 17, 2010

What is the white horizontal mark on nail that came up sometimes?

I have these white marks on my nails sometimes. I didn't think much of it every time I had it, since it'll be gone after it grew. I just wondering this morning when I noticed that I have another two of them on my fingers. Does this mean anything? could it be a symptom of a disease? anybody have a knowledge on this?

Thank you for your answer.What is the white horizontal mark on nail that came up sometimes?
The horizontal white marks on your nail mean your body maybe low on ZINC, not Calcium as it's rumored to be. If you go to your doctor, I'm sure s/he will prescribe you some Zinc supplements that will help get rid of them over time. Or, you can buy them over the counter (you can even ask the pharmacist for advice on the right amount).

Good luck! : )What is the white horizontal mark on nail that came up sometimes?
I'm sorry I have a different answer. I get them whenever I eat things with more sugar than I normally have. Once I go back to my normal diet, less sweets, they go away.
It happens because you lack of calcium. It's like an alarm. You that thing come up means you need to consume more calcium. Drink milk or eat cheese is the best way to prevent it. Or if you don't like milk or cheese, you can always eat calcium bars or pills.

PS: Calcium is VERY important for your bones. Make sure the food that you eat every day has enough calcium.
i get those to... idk wat they are though, but i think its normal
Those marks show up usually a month or so after you have been ill, such as a cold or flu. It is just one way the body shows that there was some deficit in the system. I usually get them every time I get really sick. I had an upper respiratory infection in February and got them and they are about half way grown out. As long as they don't come continuously don't worry about them. By the way I am a retired nurse.
It's probably a lack of calcium. You should try and up your intake of calcium eg milk and cheese. You could also try taking calcium supplements such as Caltrate.
just means you bruised your nail!

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